
          Inside Network is the industry's leading research and media organization dedicated to providing original market research, critical analysis, data services and news on the Facebook platform, social gaming, and mobile applications ecosystems.
Inside Network's sites:
   -  Inside Facebook: Inside Facebook is the leading source of insider information on Facebook’s global growth, corporate developments, and product innovations. Inside Facebook provides daily news and analysis for developers, marketers, and investors. Link: http://www.insidefacebook.com/
   Inside Social Games: Inside Social Games is the insider's source for news and information on the changes shaping the social gaming ecosystem. Inside Social Games is the top daily source of news and information for developers, investors, and other entrepreneurs involved in the social gaming and virtual goods industries. Link: http://www.insidesocialgames.com/
   - AppData: AppData is an independent data service tracking application traffic and growth on social platforms. AppData provides comprehensive performance data, including MAU and DAU leaderboards for developers and for applications, historical data, and market and audience information.
   -  Inside Mobile Apps: Inside Mobile Apps is full news coverage of mobile and social applications, platforms and monetization.  Link: http://www.insidemobileapps.com/

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