
             ImagesChip® is a fast and simple way to host image, photo and share it with friend, family and over the internet. There is no registration or log-in required, simply submit your picture. That makes it the perfect site for linking to MySpace.com®, eBay®, Orkut scrapbooks, message boards, forums, blogs, journals, e-mail, IM, and other websites. The important is it's FREE FOREVER....
          How it works is you upload your image and we provide you with a simple URL (e.g. http://imageschip.com/share-A732_4D1194A1.html) . It will point to your, and only your, image. You can then copy and paste the link that we provide to share your pictures on your favorite sites all without having to upload your image again. We are storage your image, photo for lifetime and safety. That you don't need to worry about lose image, photo of you or your family. That's it.


  1. Thanks you, from you I have discover this website it is really nice image hosting. They don't required the register , so everyone can upload and get the image url to share it every where on the internet. Thank you.

  2. Thank for this post, that site really nice. I can create album, and keep track all of my picture when I m register mwmber, it is free register, really really nice image gosting website.
